Category: Civil Action & Disobedience

During the month of May we often take time to encourage people to talk about mental health and self-care. Health is defined as physical, mental, and social wellbeing. There are several factors in health including one’s environment, relationships and education. Along with these in order to live a healthy life individuals require a healthful diet, […]
The Right2Vote Campaign was born out of 2018’s National Prison Strike where incarcerated citizens led a nationwide demonstration against the abhorrent conditions of United States prisons. The strike was so vast that it spread across 17 states into 3 additional regions outside of the U.S. Prisoners made their demands known worldwide and what seemed to […]
What can we do for the 2.4 millions of men women and trapped in our a nation’s prisons?What can we do for the 38,000 people incarcerated in South Carolina?What can we do for the 1,200 incarcerated in Lee County? We’ve been asking ourselves these questions since the era mass incarceration began to raise eyebrows once […]
I purposely chose the word facetious, because South Carolina’s Dept. of Correction’s Director Bryan Stirling has absurdly decided to address serious issued in South Carolin’a prisons with impotent legislation. The problem in South Carolina’s prisons is NOT the fact that a few prisoners have obtained access to cell phones. The problem is that South Carolina’s […]
Until mass incarceration, over-policing, police brutality and the many other issues associated with police officials are permanently resolved those who maintain these injustices should not be celebrated. They’ve obviously failed. There’s no problem with the celebration of professions that contribute to the benefit of our society as a whole. When thinking about those who serve […]
Earlier this month Prisoners in North Carolina received notification (attached below) that new restrictions would be placed on their trust fund accounts (prisoner’s version of a bank account). The new policy once instated would limit their ability to receive funds from those on the outside to only the people on their visitation list effecting over 38,000 […]
Being forced to go in an unfavorable direction because all other paths are blocked is the worst feeling. Sadly, this has become the lifestyle for Blacks in America. Throughout our collective time spent in this country our plate has always been served with whatever society has left over. We understood after suffering through the oppressive […]
Last month prisoners at Clallam Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) were notified that all those being housed in Intensive Management Unit (IMU) would have their hot meals terminated on November 7. Administration stated that was being done as a ‘pilot program’ for reducing violence in the unit. Prisoners did not foresee that the unit wide mandatory […]
During the National Prison Strike Jailhouse Lawyers Speak inspired incarcerated and outside activists across the country. Activists on the outside were inspired by prisoners leadership on the inside, their ability to work effectively through limited communication and the threat of retaliation. After the strike incarcerated people were inspired by the activism that happened across the […]
I used to listen to Kanye West often. “Late Registration” was one of my favorite albums, so you can’t get me not to sing along to every single word of “Gold Digger.” Over the years, West has never been afraid to speak out even if what he had to say wasn’t in line with popular […]