Category: Civil Action & Disobedience

In collaboration with nationwide demonstrations, from our capital Washington D.C, Seattle refused to be silent on this 1st day of Trump’s presidency. Women from all walks of life organized and led the 3.6 mile long demonstration from Judkin’s Park to Seattle Center. When I finally arrived at Judkin’s Park, the uphill trek to the meeting […]
Today although I woke up to a ticket on my car from Bothell PD, that didn’t stop me from driving downtown to the MLK Seattle Rally and March. My morning tears of frustration turned into tears of joy when I saw the immensity of the crowd that came in celebration of King. People from all […]
Defund Hate Ed Murray and Down Constantine This evening Seattle activists organized a demonstration on the sidewalks outside of Ed Murray’s home to protest the construction of a new youth jail in Seattle. The decision on whether to approve or deny the construction permit is in the hands of Mayor Ed Murray and King County […]
Hundreds of people gathered at Victor Steinbruek Park in Downtown Seattle to protest the Russian Consulate as the people of Aleppo are being massacred by the Assad regime. We cried out for the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost as a result of state sanctioned violence against Muslims in Syria’s largest city, […]
Over 5,000 people gathered at Volunteer Park in Seattle’s Capitol Hill to protest the normalized hate that has occurred as a result of president-elect Trump’s campaign. When I arrived at the park I could hear the mass cheering as I approached the concrete stage. March organizers, Demi Wetzel and Kelsey Coleman along with speakers from […]
The Injustice Boycott begins this Monday, on protesting police brutality and its function within cities, states, businesses and institutions.The Boycott takes place December 5th on the anniversary of Dr. King’s 381 day Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. However people are already getting into the habit of spending with political influence. Many Americans, particularly African Americans, feel […]
The general theme behind Thanksgiving is a lie, yet we celebrate it as if its ‘history’ is true and sacred. It took me years to learn the truth behind the holiday that is never taught in school. In elementary school I remember drawing an outline around my hand that was transformed into a turkey with […]
Using Social Media Challenges as a Platform for Amplifying the Voices of the Incarcerated Social media has become the blood pumping through the veins of today’s human rights movements. Just as technological innovation brought African American’s closer to their goals in civil rights movements of the 1960s, social media is doing the same for marginalized […]
Earlier today the Seattle area lit up with protests from Bothell to Tacoma as colleges, universities and primary schools participated in walkouts. Participants were asked to wear all black.  At 12 noon faculty left their classes and students parted from their studies in order to show their resistance to Trump’s Election and the violent actions […]
The largest prison strike in history is happening right now, the mainstream media refuses to circulate this information, but I can not be silent… I stand in solidarity with inmates detained in prison, as slaves under the 13 amendment. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have […]