Lift What They Never Told Me

Throat burning, stomach churning
I lose the place in my mind
As I hear the sounds
Wee-woo, wee-woo
Constantly reminds
Me I’m not free,
I’m jail bound.
Looking straight ahead
As my heart pounds
I contemplate,
“When can I relinquish this case?”
Every time I feel that desperate belly ache
An ache that begins
With the African Resistance
My ancestors fight against this
Kidnapping of me
That, we were never told
Napped and then ransacked
Divided, distributed and attacked
Stripped, unwaged, then allocated shacks
Raped, starved for days, caged and tracked.
Slaves, they still exists today,
That they’ll never tell you, until it’s too late
I hope it’ll never come that day
When it takes a place
Behind Bars, For you to wake
Genocide pushes us out
Of our families, Our homes, Our town
Those pieces we fought desperately to own
Slip away from us
Like the many Black bodies to dust
HeLa, she was never told
Yet still being bought and sold
Now stolen cells spread
Consent she never said
After being left for dead
Saving lives with the organs of those
Worth more lost, too valuable to care
The American Dream or nightmare?
It’s a coin toss
Where do you land?
That they never tell you
So I life my voice
and sing, “Liberty!”
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