Tag: elections

As our democracy stands, the act of being incarcerated is completely disenfranchising. Not always because the law permits it, there are eligible imprisoned voters in every state: some with felonies in states like Maine, others with misdemeanors in states like Wisconsin and then there are  those who are incarcerated pre-trial in every part of the […]
As I fill out my the ballot that was mailed to me last week, I think about two huge facets of voting that hinder our participating as a community. The first, a large complaint in many states, is access. Washington state mails ballots to all registered voters. The ballot has a return envelope and there […]
In hotbed areas like Florida where elections are coming quickly there are as many as 5 prisons participating in the National Prison Strike. There are several demands listed in the strikes official call that require political action and policies to be made on behalf of prisoners’ rights. Prisoners are calling for the public to make these […]