Category: End Prison Slavery

I used to listen to Kanye West often. “Late Registration” was one of my favorite albums, so you can’t get me not to sing along to every single word of “Gold Digger.” Over the years, West has never been afraid to speak out even if what he had to say wasn’t in line with popular […]
We’re all coming together to sit at the table in order to stop the United States down the desperate and disgusting track its been headed down for decades. Alternatives to Incarceration Exist, We Choose Who has Access People ask me where my passion comes from for prisoners and I can simply answer in saying I […]
Recently there has been a rise of worker strikes happening throughout the country. Throughout Western Washington construction workers have been on strike. Construction workers have been striking unsafe working conditions for decades. Teachers are striking in Tumwater and have been striking for years about their inadequate wages. Recently I saw a documentary that highlighted NFL […]
As mentioned in an earlier article during the prison strike prisoners do have the right to practice what religion they feel called to. Prisoners have the right to Religious Freedom. We have gone to Great Lengths to ensure that people’s religious freedoms are protected in this country regardless of their origin or The Narrative of […]
Slave Trades Are Righteous Because Ultimately Corruption Keeps Selling   Earlier today I received a link to an article that mentioned my name in the investigation of a Starbucks downtown due to my raising awareness about the company as an exploiter of prison slave labor. The store’s windows were found shattered  this morning. The store […]
Living in a Liberal and progressive utopia… where same sex couples can safely walk the streets holding hands, where the crosswalks are painted with rainbows, where, “What are your gender pronouns?” is a introduction question, and where ‘black lives matter’ signs lean in the window of every other storefront Now I come to wonder how […]
[Rally at Lee Correctional Facility in Bishopsville, SC in support and solidarity with striking prisoners yesterday] This is a question that a lot of people do not have a solid answer to. I’m writing this article in response to a comment that I’ve seen in response to local media coverage about the national prison strike. […]
This may be too radial for some of you but so was the idea of a world without slaves. The existence of prisons in our country points to a lack of concern for those groups of our population that are trapped within them: brown, black and poor people. We’ve seen through many examples over this […]
What are prisons for? Are they to help inmates become better people then who they were when they entered by preparing them for a productive life in society? Or are prisons for warehousing people to lock away and forget? Think about your response to that question, is the ideal hope or does your response actually […]
[left: Gang sentenced to 682 years behind bars in Johannesburg, CA; right top: Hidden Valley Kings gang members sentenced between 25-30 years in Charlotte, SC; right bottom: gang’s leaders received between 10 and 24 years in prison in Charlotte, SC] Gang enhancement laws differ from state  to state, however they require that a person who’s […]