Author: Amani Sawari

Being forced to go in an unfavorable direction because all other paths are blocked is the worst feeling. Sadly, this has become the lifestyle for Blacks in America. Throughout our collective time spent in this country our plate has always been served with whatever society has left over. We understood after suffering through the oppressive […]
Last month prisoners at Clallam Bay Corrections Center (CBCC) were notified that all those being housed in Intensive Management Unit (IMU) would have their hot meals terminated on November 7. Administration stated that was being done as a ‘pilot program’ for reducing violence in the unit. Prisoners did not foresee that the unit wide mandatory […]
During the National Prison Strike Jailhouse Lawyers Speak inspired incarcerated and outside activists across the country. Activists on the outside were inspired by prisoners leadership on the inside, their ability to work effectively through limited communication and the threat of retaliation. After the strike incarcerated people were inspired by the activism that happened across the […]
As I fill out my the ballot that was mailed to me last week, I think about two huge facets of voting that hinder our participating as a community. The first, a large complaint in many states, is access. Washington state mails ballots to all registered voters. The ballot has a return envelope and there […]
For decades the Black community has been heavily targeted by the war on drugs which resulted in the disenfranchisement of many families of color and the destruction of Black communities nationwide. Now the same drugs are making white business owners billions of dollars for engaging in the same practices that black ‘entrepreneurs’ were incarcerated for […]
I used to listen to Kanye West often. “Late Registration” was one of my favorite albums, so you can’t get me not to sing along to every single word of “Gold Digger.” Over the years, West has never been afraid to speak out even if what he had to say wasn’t in line with popular […]
We’re all coming together to sit at the table in order to stop the United States down the desperate and disgusting track its been headed down for decades. Alternatives to Incarceration Exist, We Choose Who has Access People ask me where my passion comes from for prisoners and I can simply answer in saying I […]
Costa Rica is an insanely beautiful place. When I took my trip I did not expect to have any sort of life changing revelation and that’s not what this write-up is going to be about. I took a simple trip to visit my friend that I hadn’t seen in over a year and was to […]
Chance was killed by officers in his front yard while helping a friend. He was completely unrelated to the investigation that officers were on and so was his friend that officers were after. The police killed Chance while undercover in unmarked cars, luring he and his friend out of the house with a decoy looking […]
Over the past three weeks prisoners have been working heavily with strength and bravery to demonstrate to the world through the National Prison Strike that the US criminal justice system is in critical need of some transformative changes. Prisoners have been able to do this on a massive scale through organizing work stoppages, peaceful sit […]