End Prison Slavery: September 2016 The Largest Prison Strike in American History

The largest prison strike in history is happening right now, the mainstream media refuses to circulate this information, but I can not be silent…

I stand in solidarity with inmates detained in prison, as slaves under the 13 amendment.

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

The penitentiary is the modern plantation. The time is now to call for prison abolition in the United States. No human should live in slavery to the state under any circumstances, not even as punishment.

The amendment should be revised:

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Why is there an appositive clause in the phrase? Why allow for circumstantial slavery to exist? Because America is a Capitalist Democracy, therefore money is the ultimate goal with profit as the main motivator, not the well-being ofprisoners-are-striking-nationwide-sept-9-oakland-poster-by-blackout-collective the people. America elevated to a global power as a result of free labor and a lack of an oppressed group to act as a free labor source would threaten this country’s position as a world power. Slavery had to continue and it still does.

Now that we have allowed this clause to operate as the main gateway for slavery to exist, those who were once oppressed as slaves by laws that were tied to race are now oppressed as criminals by laws that are tied to crime, crimes that are unjustly targeted towards groups of a specific race. Racism is a product of capitalism. During the 19th century racism is a practiced that was encouraged in order to sustain slavery, a highly profitable system for plantation owners. Today during the 21st century racism practiced in policing and prosecution is sustained in order to keep prisons at high capacity. Full prisons are full of workers who are paid cents per day for hours of work, a highly profitable system for companies like Washington State Correctional Industries and the GEO Group as well as other businesses who benefit from goods and serviced produced out of the industrial prison complex: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Starbucks, Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Sprint, Verizon, Victoria’s Secret, J.C. Penny, K-Mart, etc.

We are funding our own oppression by buying from or consuming products and services from these corporations.

September 9 was the anniversary of the 1971 Attica Uprising, the largest prison strike of its time and  earlier this month, September 9, 2016, at least 20,000 inmates across the country general-strike-announcementhave organized in 24 states and 50 prisons. They have stood together in order to stand up against the industrial prison complex and we must join them. They are entering their second week of protest in hunger strikes, refusal to work and even destroying prison property. Here is an amazing graphic illustration that outlines inmates’ reasoning behind and their goals for this demonstration. It is incredible that our most vulnerable and suppressed groups with the most finite amount of resources (smuggled cell phones, letters, pipeline communication) have managed to organize and we need to stand with them! We have no excuses.

We cannot continue to idly watch slavery continue in America, hoping that it doesn’t touch us, it has already touched us. Not a day passes that my heart doesn’t feel the pain of those millions locked away in cages in America, the home of the unfree.

I stand in solidarity with inmates detained in prison, as slaves under the 13 amendment.

I call for abolishing the 13th Amendment,

I call for the abolition of all prisons!

We are descendants of strong, powerful and relentless ancestors. We are miraculous people, the struggle began as soon as we stepped off of the ship and it will not end until we step onto the promise land.

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