Black Thoughts I Be

Blue skies topple
As clouds shift into shadow hunters,
Robing the sun’s reflection of the blood moon.
Winds breath a stale stench of Deferred Dreams.
As fog lingers in the arms of natures weave,
Senescence slowly envelope youth as a snail dries out.
Fleeting sanity into nothingness up empty pages.
Purposely seeking freedom in a hegemonical country
Built on imperialistic arbitrary tyranny.
Warmongers disguised as political figures,
With pseudo altruistic visions of equality
Think tanks,
Social Planners
And Policy Makers,
Reifying ideas into the dominate narrative.
Powerful, Powerless people seeking to assimilate.
Visionaries being swallowed by the ocean of time,
As waves crush solutionaries against systematic bastions.
Contraceptive ideologies leading future Warriors into oblivion.
What paper tigers contemplate behind desks pondering reform as the conclusion,
Our children are vicariously being fed mental pollution,
Through affectation educational systems.
Inoculating curriculums,
Lulling what could be critical thinkers,
to passive believers.
Unabated faces,
Forcing the unfortunate
Into convoluted positions.
Compeling the revolutionary to commit suicide.
In a never ending battle to be whole,
And human,
As it is,
Possible for us to be
Originally written July 10, 2017 by Sincre, Chanton Miles
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